Sunday, October 11, 2009

Who Ya Gonna Call?

Not the Ghostbusters, thats for sure. Now you may be wondering, why am I making a Ghostbusters reference without any kind of joke? Well, I'm here to give you all my review of the very popular new horror film know as Paranormal Activity. Lets dive on in, shall we?

I'll spare you all the ending, as I don't want to spoil for you. The movie begins with seemingly average couple Katie and Micah enjoying themselves at home. Micah is showing off his new camera, which will be used to film the couple while they sleep. The reason for the night watch? Apparently things have been going on in the house that can't be explained, and since both of them are asleep when they occur Micah and Katie hope that the camera will catch the midnight shenanigans. This is your first glimpse into the horror yet to come throughout the movie. The footage fast forwards until we see a few minutes of footage where the door moves slightly closed, then opens again. Micah soon becomes interested in testing the boundaries with this ghost of sorts. Unfortunately for Micah, Katie (along with a psychic she hired to visit the house) advise him not to contact the now demonic entity. This is due to the fact that if you contact it, that said entity will want to talk.

The next several scenes are more of Micah and Katie sleeping. Theres some more door moving, but now it seems to get worse. After a couple of nights with sounds of people walking through the house, Katie wakes up one night. She then proceeds to stand for hour staring at Micah sleeping. Katie then leaves the room and about two hours later Micah finds her outside staring blankly into the dark. Some more bumps go around the house and Micah soon finds Katie back indoors, having no memory of leaving or standing around.

As if bumps in the night and a sleep walking girlfriend aren't enough to scare you, Micah finally decides (against Katie's wishes) to get a Ouija Board to talk to the entity. Katie gets pissed and they leave, luckily leaving the camera on. The next scene tells you from here on in, you will be shitting bricks. The Ouija board pointer starts randomly hitting letters by itself, with the Ouija board finally setting fire and going out in a matter of minutes. When Katie and Micah return, Katie tells Micah to throw away the Ouija board and stop recording, as it's making the entity more aggressive. Micah pulls the "I'm the man around here, I can handle this!" card, which causes more late night crazy. The best of this is a scene where Micah covers the floor in baby powder, saying "If anything is coming in here, we'll be able to see where it's going." As if the irony of what's about to happen next isn't too great already, while the couple sleeps you see odd foot prints soon covering the floor. As they both feel a mutual mind fuck about the prints, things just get worse. Katie is dragged from the bed to God knows where, due to Micah not grabbing the camera when he goes to get her. This is saying a lot, because he hardly lets the camera go from his hands when he's awake.

The ending was good. Without spoiling much, I will say that it seems the entity has been playing a mental game of chess with the couple. Unfortunately for them, this "demon" of sorts is like Gary Kasparov (the world's greatest chess player as of 2008) and they're the leader of the school's chess club.

To cut a long review short, if you like scary movies, go see this. Every time it cut to them sleeping, I was gripping my seat just waiting for the demon to do something. To be honest, that makes him/her my favorite character. For those unfamiliar to the paranormal, people generally believe that an entity draws from negative energy to makes it's presence known. This entity does a great job. Constantly waking the couple to the point where they are sleep deprived and short tempered gives it the energy to keep going til it takes over of the household. Overall, I recommend it for horror fans and people looking for a good scare. I know I won't be sleeping tonight very well.

Till the Next Time,

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