Now on to the ending. Gary Oldman gets the book from Eli after a very explosion filled shoot out. He leaves Eli and Solara for dead while he goes off to change the world, or so he thinks. When he finally gets back you find out that the magically book of power is actually a bible. Don't worry, this isn't about to become a huge religion heavy movie, so keep with me. After the stunner that the book is a bible, we get what I like to remember as a great moment in movie trolling history. Gary Oldman opens the book to find, get this, no words in it. Now, you may be asking, "How could Eli read a book with no words?" Well, the answer is great - Eli is blind and the book is in braile. Now I know this may seem like a cop out on the writing staff's part but I think Shamaylan himself couldn't have thought of something as trollfaced as this. Now the best part of this is that Eli, since gaining the bible, has memorized the entire thing. He even speaks the whole bible so that it can be written down and reprinted. Talk about an odd end, right?
Overall, the movie was good. To me it was like if they took The Road and went with action instead of drama. That and the twist ending that made say "wat." made it worth watching. If you haven't seen it, it should be coming out on DVD soon. If you can find it in a theater though, go enjoy yourself.
Rating: RIFF IT
Till Next Time,
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