Sunday, November 15, 2009

Community: Debate 109 Review

Here we go.

This week on Community we get to see yet another problem that the forces of plot feel that only Jeff can fix. After Annie is left partnerless for the debate team, Jeff is asked to join on due to his previous "lawyer" days. He accepts, but only to get a free parking space. The debate itself was fun to watch as Jeff at first bumbled his way through the debate, only to later come back on top and win it for Greendale. The various cuts and background music make a simple debate seem more pumped up than it is, which I thought was in good taste to the show.

Something of a surprise to me was the relationship between Jeff and Annie that happened here. The formula usually calls for Britta and Jeff or Troy and Annie to take the relationship front stage, so this was new and in my opinion, good. Jeff isn't getting anywhere with Britta, and Troy doesn't even notice Annie half the time, so it's time to see a relationship that might go through.

Jeff's first try was pretty funny since he thought his charm was gonna get him through the debate, just like when he was a lawyer.  We saw another E! channel refrence when Jeff was being recruited for the debate.  This is a throw to Joel McCale's other show, The Soup, on E!  I am liking the relationship of Jeff and Annie, it would be nice to see if the writers will take it further or if this is a one time thing.

The other main story throughout the episode involves Shirley and Abed. After watching his films entitled "Community College Chronicles" the group (and audience) realize that Abed is just redoing the past episodes with a different cast. What comes to their attention is that Abed seems to predict what's going to happen next through his videos. This worried Shirley that Abed was some sort of evil wizard, but he reassures her that he just knows how to read everyone better than they may have expected. Abed proves this point by perfectly mimicing several of the study groups members when they talk. Shirley starts crying witch again, especially when things from his most recent video begin to come true in real life. This gag throughout the episode really helped out and I always found it funny when Shirley would go to Abed for info on the future.

Abed's videos were funny and his predicting everyone's actions shows how close the study group has grown since the beginning.  Shirleys reactions to Abed's videos were priceless, from the kiss to the werewolf.

What bothered me about the episode was the third, and very minor, plot. It centers around Britta getting Pierce to help her quit smoking by way of hypnotherapy. Instead of what I assumed would be Pierce messing up and getting something funny out of the hypnotism, we get Britta laying there with her eyes closed wondering when Pierce will finish up with the session. Granted, she does stop smoking due to Pierce's comments to himself while she was "hypnotized", but ultimately it was let down in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, I understand the show has seven characters as a main cast, but they should take a note from a show like Heroes or The Office when it comes to storylines. Either have one to two stories going switching back and forth (Heroes) or have them tie closer together so that you see more of everyone and it just goes better together (Office). I don't worry that this will get out of hand, but hopefully it won't be done in every episode, otherwise it might seem like one storyline is being stretched too thin when it can be milk for some comedy gold.

I agree, with a big cast some storylines can get lost.  Plus it really doesn't help that Joel McCale seems to be carrying the show sometimes.  I like how some shows like this leave out a few characters in order to give a bigger and stronger focus on the main storylines.  Even with this Community is still a great show and can't wait to see more episodes.

Til Next Time & See Ya,

Mike & Razz

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