Since Razz pretty much wrote up the review for the episode, I'll just add my two cents after each paragraph.
This episode of Heroes was pretty good overall especially my favorite story arc, Matt/Sylar. So lets start with that part, this was the first episode where Sylar was in control of Matt's body. However Matt still retained his ability which set some road blocks up for Sylar. Even though Sylar tries to prove he is the bad guy but Matt proves he can play just as dirty by using his ability to trap Sylar and have him gunned down by the police.
Watching Matt constantly fuck with Sylar made this a great episode for me. The shoe was FINALLY on the other foot in the best way. I can only imagine Sylar getting the full body search from the security guard with the biggest hand, if you catch my drift. The whole time Matt laughing and possibly enjoying some popcorn.
Peter's story sort of fell flat but he was just playing a support for Emma to be in the spotlight and prove her heroism by saving those people in the hospital. Plus there isn't too much Peter can do with his healing especially since the ability is draining him.
If nothing else it was good to see Peter slowing down, whether or not it's due to the power's drawback. He's so caught up with this Superman complex he got that he needed to realize he can slow down and still help.
We got more backstory about Samuel which I am up for always. We found out that it was Danko that killed Samuel's brother. I keep wondering what is his endgame too, he seems evil yet looking deeper into him and his past we can sort of see a more layered person. We saw this how he was concerned for the safety of everyone when he tazed Becca. But then again he talks to Becca and tells her she will have her revenge. It is going to be good to uncover more about Samuel and what he really wants.
I agree with Razz here on all accounts. After seeing the preview with Samuel and Mohinder, I'm even more pumped for next week. We'll get to see some more old footage (I'm assuming from the old camp a la Season 3) and maybe some more about the previous generation of people with abilities. Also, we get to see Mohinder die. That alone I'm happy to wait for.
We saw more about HRG too, yet not too surprising. I mean really he killed somebody we've never seemed that before, big whoop. I think that is exactly what Claire thought too, at least she seemed like that. Claire also seemed sort of heart broken over Gretchen deciding to leave because she was scared for her life. I guess that is the end of that wierd relationship, oh well no more lesbian Claire. And the Hatian has a name now??? I really don't see the use of this, I mean really it is the fourth season. We didn't even get his name when we were in Hati last season, I'm just saying I really don't see the reason for this.
Once again I completely agree. I was sad there was no goodbye kiss between Claire and Gretchen, but hey, that's just something that'll go in my fanfic. I think one thing that needs more importance put on it is that the Hatian's name is Renee? REALLY NBC??? Let's not give the most bad ass secondary character a cool name, let's give him a woman's name. Sometimes I hate you TV.
We saw the return of Nathan in this episode too, which I was surprised about. I pretty much thought he was dead but I guess Sylar wasn't as clean of a Slate as he was thought to be. And from the looks of next weeks episode I think Nathan will be back in a big way.
I have to agree again. I like that we only have one Sylar now (kinda). Seeing Nathan back makes me wonder how things will work out if Sylar sees him wondering around in the next couple of episodes. Oh well, I guess we'll have to find out then.
See ya & til next time,
Razz & Mike
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