Thursday, November 26, 2009

Glee: Hairography Review

Remember when I said how much I loved last week’s episode of Glee? Well color me wrong because “Hairography” took what I expected in the episode and made it better. It had multiple Glee clubs singing and dancing but more than that, they showed our Glee kids that they have some competition.

We start off with Mr. Schuester minding his own while on his break when Sue arrives demanding the new set list for glee club. Will denies her request, and also recalls several moments that make him suspicious that Sue might be selling his club’s secrets to the other schools. Sue plays coy to the accusations, so Mr. Schuester is off to find out from the other glee instructors just what’s going on. Cut to Mr. Schue going through heavy security just to talk with the Grace Hitchens (played by none other than famous female rapper Eve) about the possible scandal. She denies the claims, stating that she wouldn’t cheat because she’s trying to be a good role model for her female students. Embarrassed, Will asks her to visit him over at McKinley for a friendly skirmish. When the girls arrive, they perform a very sexually orientated “Bootylicious”. With everyone’s jaw hanging to the ground (mine included), we discover thanks to Rachel that they’re only good due to their “Hairography”, or use of large and stylish hair to confuse/confound the audience.

When Will visited Grace Hitchins he was kinda shown to be profiling, just because someone can cheat it doesn't mean that they will.  A good lesson for Mr. Schue well that is until the end of the episode.  I also thought those girls were pretty good, it was one of the better dance sequences that Glee has done.

Schuester, not being one to scare easy, is now wondering if there isn’t some magic to this “Hairography” and then creates a number based solely on using Hairography. The other story we get in this episode revolves around Mrs. Schuester and Quinn. After having some doubts, Quinn decides she wants the baby. This puts Mrs. Schue in a horrifying position – tell her husband she’s not having a baby or try and steal a baby around her due date. In my opinion, she should have come clean. I want Will to leave her already and the show isn’t helping at all. We also get to see Quinn try out Puck for daddy position with the baby by babysitting Kendra’s kids. After Quinn and Puck play “Papa Don’t Preach” to the hellions, she begins to warm up to Puck taking care of the baby.

Yea I am tired of Mrs. Schue's lying around, I am just hoping that Will finds out and hopefully she gets what's been coming to her all year long.  I also liked the chemistry that Puck and Quinn had together, no wonder they made that baby.  But there time together was kind of ruined at the end by Puck being...... well Puck.

For the final we get to see Haverbrook, the school for the deaf, go up against the Hairography of Glee. We see that they did a mash up of “Hair” and “Crazy in Love”, which leaves the deaf students unimpressed and even believing them to be insane. Haverbrook responds with a non Hairography rendition of “Imagine” that puts the Glee kids in their place. My biggest complaint to this part was this – why sing to a deaf group? I understand that it just made the scene more warm and fuzzy, but in reality if I was from Haverbrook doing the song, I would wonder why these other kids are now circling me mouthing words for no reason.

Well all I can say is that Haverbrook needed to be wow-ed by the awesome hairography!  I am glad that Mr. Schue wised up and decided to not do the hairography and instead go with a more traditional, and better in my opinion, song. I am just putting this out there, for a deaf school those kids are really musically talented.

Now I know I just got done complaining, but to be honest I really did enjoy the episode. We FINALLY got to see the other schools and what they bring to the table that is Sectionals. If anything, for me I felt that seeing the other guys do their things should put the glee club of McKinley wanting to do their best and putting the nose to the grindstone. Maybe that’s just me though.

See Ya & Till Next Time,
Mike & Razz

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