Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Heroes: Thanksgiving Review

This week's episode of Heroes was the first holiday themed episode, a Thanksgiving episode.  It involved three major families setting down to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner, the Bennett's, Samuel's family, and the Petrelli's
With the Bennett's we see Noah in a grocery store inviting Claire to Thanksgiving dinner so he doesn't have to be alone with Sandra and her Boyfriend, Doug.  At the store he runs into his old partner, Lauren, who he invites to dinner to "reconnect".  This scene kinda did what I hoped in that Lauren came back and that whole storyline with her back in "Once Upon a Time in Texas" wasn't wasted.  At the dinner, which was kinda awkward really with all of these people together, Claire tells how she feels awkward with out any friends and she doesn't know where she belongs.  However Noah has a surprise for her, a visit from Gretchen, to cheer her up.  When Gretchen and Claire leave, they start to follow the compass to find out exactly where it goes.
I really enjoyed the night with the Bennett's.  Seeing everyone dance around Primatech's other business side was fun, especially in part due to Doug trying to comprehend the situation.  Speaking of Doug, is anyone else kind of weirded out by him?  He seems to interested in the dogs if you ask me.  But if that's what Sandra's looking for in a man, then she really doesn't know what she's missing.

At Samuel's Thanksgiving we see Hiro asking for Charlie to be returned to him, but as usual Samuel says no.  Hiro runs into Lydia and she wonders that if everything is fixed then why isn't Joseph alive again.  They both go back to discover what happened to Joseph and find out that Samuel was the one to kill him.  After they go back to the present Lydia tells Edgar about what she saw in the past and Samuel accuses Edgar of killing Joseph in front of the family, to protect himself.  Hiro saves Edgar from a surprise attack by Samuel and tells him that a Hero sometimes has to run in order to fight another day.  Later Samuel confronts Hiro about what he did but Hiro stands up to him, saying that Samuel needs him.  With this Samuel makes Dreadlock guy do something to him and we see Hiro go back through some scenes from earlier on this season.  After this Hiro spazes out and teleports somewhere.
To be honest, I really wasn't the surprised that Samuel killed Joseph.  After last week's episode where we see Samuel listening in on Joseph and Mohinder, I assumed his drunken rage would get the best of him if/when he confronted Joseph about the true contents of the film.  After seeing Edgar stand up to Samuel, I must say that I can't wait to see if the rest of the carni folk won't turn too if they were to find out the truth.  I guess we'll find out later in the season (or seasons).

At the Petrelli's, Angela joins Nathan and Peter at Pete's apartment.  The boys confront their mother about what she did to Nathan but she says if they don't sit down and eat then she will never tell them.  During dinner she tells them a recap of what has happened to Nathan over the past couple of months and tells Nathan that he is still the person he always was.  At dessert Nathan tells both of them that they only see Sylar when they look at him, then suddenly Sylar manifests in the body and eats some pie!  Sylar pins Angela and Peter in their chairs and decides to TK Angela's brain but Nathan's spirit arises to keep Sylar away from his family.  Finally Nathan flies out the window to get away from his family.  Peter swears he will go and find Nathan and kill Sylar, to get his brother back.
I loved this story just due to Sylar coming back.  Though I must say Sylar, you could have shared some of the pie with Peter and Angela.  There was still a full meal that Angela brought with her you could have carved into.  Maybe I just feel like you kind of was a douche because if I couldn't get some pumpkin pie that was RIGHT in front of me, you couldn't have held me back.  I really love pie.

This was a fairly decent episode, for a holiday episode in a one hour drama it was done really well.  We got some answers about Sylar and that he is in Nathan and now both their spirits are in the body just like it was with Parkman.  It appears from the trailer for next week that we will be in for a good Sylar-Peter fight scene. 
To be honest, the fight should be interesting.  From what we know, Peter still has the "You've got the touch!  You've got a power!" ability.  I'm hoping that we'll find out next week that Peter really took Nathan/Sylar's empathy power, pretty much giving him his old ability back.  Maybe that's just the dream of a foolish dreamer, but that's what I do.

See Ya & Till the Next Time,
Razz & Mike


  1. Aww come on. If you had Sylar and a pie in the same room you wouldn't get any.
    The guy has a serious sweet tooth. I'd be willing to bet my Star Trek action figures collection that he'd do his brain removal magic at you if you even get close to the pie.
    And if you had cake...

  2. That's true. It seems like when it comes to sweets, you're either providing for Sylar or in the way.
