Thursday, January 28, 2010

Community: Interpretive Dance Review

This week our two stories center around Jeff, Brita, and Troy. At the beginning of the episode after a little bit of banter from the group Britta notices that Jeff has several long, brunette hairs on his coat. Jeff then tells the group that it's the same woman he intends to meet up with later, and that causes the group to almost worry that Jeff might have himself a relationship. Soon after the Annie mentions moving the study groups time from 5pm to 4:30 so that they can get in through the side door that locks at 5. Both Troy and Britta refuse, and give very vague (and poorly thought out) excuses as to why they have to have the time open.

I also like that when Pierce is late they all go to the possibility that he might be dead.  We also have classic Annie being ignored when she tries to change the meeting time.

With Jeff's story we soon find out that he is in fact with someone, and that someone is Ms. Slater, his old statistics professor. After a quick (but interrupted) make out session the dean talks to them about how dangerous a student/faculty relationship is and that they need to watch out because they're on the "Hot Student/Faculty" list the dean made up. Later Ms. Slater and Jeff try to make out in the library but Jeff just knows that if they start then the rest of the gang will see them and rat them out. Ms. Slater tells him the odds are next to none, and doing what all good students go by listening to his professor, they kiss for a few seconds before Jeff looks to see --You guessed it! The rest of the gang is watching from outside. So now that the gang knows, Jeff swears them not tell. Soon after, the dean arrives and gets Ms. Slater and Jeff to go to his office after finding out about their relationship from a certain grey haired group member.

I was surprised by Ms. Slater's return to the show because I figured we were through with her after the first part of the season.  But I guess when student 2 and professor 7 get together, passion ignites!  It was also hilarious that the group came from the other side to catch them making out instead of watching them through the window.  Jeff also has it right when he says sleeping with someone every night makes them your best friend ever.  Pierce using twitter, HA!

With Brita and Troy, we soon find out that both of them are in dance classes that the rest of the group doesn't know about. When they find out about the other, they decide to tell the group by inviting them to a dance recital on Friday. Unlucky for Brita, when she tells everyone about her tap dancing, Troy leaves her to hang as soon as everyone talks about how ironic it is for Brita to be doing something so feminine.

This was hilarious and Troy was a great dancer, really funny.  I agree with Troy girls have parts that jiggle so that they were meant to dance.

For the climax, we see everyone at the dance recital hoping to see Brita dance. Instead, we see Brita freeze when she notices that Jeff and Mrs. Slater holding hands and generally being boyfriend and girlfriend (which is odd to both Brita and Jeff). As Brita freezes on stage, Troy realizes that only he can help her. So doing the right thing, Troy rips off his clothes (for what is like, the third time) and saves Brita before getting alienated by the gang. Then we get a moment with Jeff and Brita where it becomes obvious that Brita does have feelings for Jeff. Poor Brita, if only she were honest to herself instead of being so up tight, but what can you do?

Jeff has a girlfriend awww...  I do agree with pierce on one thing, man that was one wierd tap dance show, until Troy showed up then it actually got entertaining.  Brita and Troy are great BSers to come up with that dance off the cuff.  Brita gets jealous at Jeff who would have thought that?  I guess we'll see where this leads down the road.

See Ya & Till Next Time,
Mike & Razz

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