Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Heroes: Art of Deception Review

Ok this episode of Heroes started out really slow and was becoming one of my least favorite of the season until the twist at the Carnival.  After that I could not believe what Samuel did but it made a great story.
Peter starts dreaming of Emma at the Carnival and discovers that Sylar might be the one to save her.  after a failed confrontation with Angela he goes to California to find Sylar.
Parkman comes home to discover Sylar there with Janice and they start "catching up".  Sylar tells Matt that he wants all his abilities gone to rediscover his humanity.  After a failed attempt Sylar threatens Janice so Matt will do it.  Matt finally traps Sylar in his own unconcious body and begins to brick him in the basement.  Peter comes to find Sylar and goes inside his head to bring back Sylar.
This was a great moment for Parkman in my opinion.  It was dark and it looked like Parkman is taking a lesson from his old man.  Too bad Peter has to play hero and is now trying to get Sylar back.  Douche....

Claire is debating telling Noah about Sylar and when she gets to the apartment she discovers HRG's plan to take down Samuel.  Noah jumps to take action before Claire has a chance to stop his plan and sets up outside the Carnival.
Samuel talks to Lydia about his outburst at the town and Samuel tells her that he WILL win back the respect of the carnival.  Claire finds Samuel and tells him that he needs to surrender himself in order to keep the rest of the carnival safe and so that she can be sure that Noah won't overreact and kill innocent people.  As Samuel is about to leave shots come from Noah's hill and a lot of people get hurt including Samuel, Claire, Lauren, and Lydia who dies.  Noah finds out it is an Eli clone and gets framed for the shooting after being knocked out by the real Eli.  Samuel then manipulates the carnies saying he needs to remain to protect the Carnival from "villains".  When Lauren cannot stop Eli she calls the emergency number to tell Tracy about the incident. 
I really enjoyed this.  Finding out that Samuel took a bullet just to get people on his side.  It proves how much of a villain he really is in the series.  I can't wait to see what he meant by "showing the world"what they really are.  I assume it'll be similar to Magneto and the Brotherhood.  I just hope that our "X-Men" aren't just Peter and Sylar trying to save the world.

So this was one kickass episode because of one literary device, Plot twists. Thank you sooo much!  I did not see this coming, at first I thought Noah snapped but once Claire got shot I knew it was not him and it made it all the better that it was all Samuel's plan.  I really liked Matt's Edgar Allen Poe-like way of dealing with Sylar by bricking his body inside a room. Also we get the return of Tracy, some one we haven't seen in a long time.  By the way if you are not reading the Heroes Graphic Novel on you should start with this week because you find out what Tracy has been up to and how she can help Noah and Claire.
I agree here.  The twist with Samuel blew me away watching the Cask of Matt Parkman was enjoyable.  Only a few more left, so I don't know about anyone else, but I'm excited.

See Ya & Til the Next Time
Mike & Razz 

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